Book by Luc Sala about Corona in NL

  1. Luc Sala published a book, May 2021, in the NL language about Corona in our country. The book, including photos, can be downloaded from:

2. A rough English translation can be found here:

Both versions are updated nearly daily with comments and improvements, so that is why I have not posted the full text of the books here.

3. I have to add that this book NL or English version is the personal opinion of Luc Sala, and not automatically mine.

4. I have posted March 2020 my views about the Virality (fastness of exponential spreading) of the Covid -19 Virus on these pages:

5. Furthermore I recommend you follow the publications of prof. Yaneer Bar-Yam of the NECSI who has tracked and is daily tracking with his students and staff the spread of the virus in most countries of the world.

Yaneer Bar-Yam – Wikipedia › wiki › Ya…

Prof. BarYam is the president of Cambridge, Massachusetts-based NECSI, an independent research institution and think tank dedicated to the study of complex systems. (New England Complex Systems Institute).

And he has given a comprehensive list of government actions to follow to fight the outbreak. You can follow his recommendations and observations on Twitter: Yaneer Bar-Yam (@yaneerbaryam) | Twitter.

jaap van till, TheConnectivist

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