The Invisible Doctrine

This book has been available since October 2023 as hardcover ,but is now sold out. A pocket edition will be launched on May 15, 2024. And a film version is in preparation.

The full title = “The Invisible Doctrine – The Secret History of Neoliberalism – (& How It Came To Control Your Life)” by George Monbiot and Peter Hutchinson.

The NeoLiberalism = capitalist economic theory, all around us in action under different names: Chicago School of Economics theory, “letting the market do its work”, WEF ideology, It was very succesfully started by Mrs. Thatcher and Ronald Raegan to revitalise the stuttering social-economic systems in the industrial age. Stuttering from endless union interventions and well intended Labour governments. Neolib provided new incentives to innovate and build successful enterprises with less govt interference. It brought prosperity but now it has run out of steam since the negative effects of it have accumulated. The recipe does not work anymore, and is grinding to a halt. Core activity is that enterpreneurs extract value, with production and sales of their wares and services, at the expense of people and Nature. To name it less friendly, it is a new form of slavery, as Marx warned would result. And it has no regard for what the extraction of raw materials and fossil fuels, water did to Nature. Also waste did not concern them. Again, it provided great incentives and wealth for some but this was distributed very unequally.

The description of this book is as follows:


We live under an ideology that preys on every aspect of our lives: our education and our jobs; our healthcare and our leisure; our relationships and our mental wellbeing; even the planet we inhabit – the very air we breathe. So pervasive has it become that, for most people, it has no name. It seems unavoidable, like a natural law.

But trace it back to its roots, and we discover that it is neither inevitable nor immutable. It was conceived, propagated, and then concealed by the powerful few. It is time to bring it into the light – and, in doing so, to find an alternative* worth fighting for.

Neoliberalism. Do you know what it is?


I blog about this book because it is one of the reasons we have to think of alternatives*: different and new ways to create value and live in societies which are part of Nature. I hope to present how that can start in my next blog.

jaap van till, TheConnectivist

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1 Response to The Invisible Doctrine

  1. Herman Hensen says:

    Beste Jaap

    Bedankt voor je aanbeveling.
    Heb zelf het boek van Juliet B. Schor
    “True Wealth” gelezen.



    Hartelijke groeten
    Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone


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