Ethernet is one of the most effective inventions ever

In the article, see link below, by my friend ILJITSCH VAN BEIJNUM  the history and significance of Ethernet, or should we say the IEEE CSMA/CD networking protocol, to share cables and now optic fiber links, is explained. It is all around you 🙂

Our civil society, business and states are based on it. It works !!!

jaap van till, TheConnectivist

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My Decentral Information Sharing Lecture

This are the sheets I showed on September 9, 2023 in Bergen, NL for the Piratenweekend (PPN) where we prepared for the upcoming TK2023 Elections in November.

jaap van till, TheConnectivist

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Innovations in Ukraine War ICT implementations

It is well known that in wartime new things are very rapidly invented and applied in the field, sometimes skipping lengthty definition phases and prototype testing. Examples are Radar developed in UK, USA and Germany during WWII, and the atom bomb.

This important paper describe some of the recent innovations made in Ukraine, which where done under presure from the approaching Russian tank invasion and inplemented in the field right now. I had noticed most of these too, but kept silent in order not to inform the enemy. Audry did publish it since she argues that all the info in this paper was published on public readable sources. In essence the Ukrainians “digitized the war” to survive the attack of Russia.

My point is that we can all learn from these innovations in our societies and business organisations. the relevance of the Delta system mentioned for instance is huge. I will explain why soon in my upcoming lectures.

jaap van till, TheConnectivist




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Excellent Article about Subsea Cables

The article is very instructive also for non-technical people like politicians and students who want to learn about these vital connections in the world.

A recent update of the list of more than 500 cables on and in the oceans floors is:

jaap van till, TheConnectivist

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Important Conference in October: QiR 2023

I can recommend that you attend this conference October 23 – 25, organized by the famous ‘University of Indonesia’ in Depok, near Djakarta, Republic of Indonesia. The venue of the conference is in Bali. See: The subjects of this conference are important, relevant and urgent.

I am an invited speaker there. The Abstract of my lecture, which will be presented by me with a Zoom link is as follows:


The Impact of ICT on Economy and Society, Towards Synthecracy.

Ir. Jaap van Till, visiting professor Digital Infrastructures, The Netherlands.

ICT, and more specific Digital Infrastructures, can be noticed to have huge impacts on society. Young professionals and children live on Internet & WWW, glued all day to their mobile phones or laptops with WiFi. Below that are the meshes of glass optic fiber cables carrying light pulses and wireless electromagnetic links. I define that layer as the “WorldWide Net”, which is growing fast, with ever increasing bandwidths.

To navigate in the direction of ‘NetZero Emission through Green Technologies and Policies’ it is essential to identify the obstacles and recognize what lies at the core of the present multiple crises that politicians are wrestling with: (1) The malfunctioning of hierarchies, where loyalty has priority over competence; (2) the inability of central governing elites all over the world to cope with Complexity. This demotivates young professionals and young politicians. Examples how to cope with (1, 2) are given:

I Both are shown to be overcome by the development, since 2014, of a battlefield information management system in the Ukraine war. It has ‘collective intelligence with decentral authority’, informing all the military men and women who are fighting and observing, peer-to-peer cooperation, self-organizing and invention based on what works or not in the field. These are the keys to success and survival. They turned the war into an online gathering and correlation of information war with network links including low orbit satellite links (Starlink).

II Another important new development to cope with these turbulent times is the organizational physics recommended by “the BetaCodex Network” people in Germany. It urgently recommends to change the functions of people into an IT connected web of small teams, with very competent, diverse skilled, innovative, learning and creative specialists; that together focusses on value creation. Not top/down or bottom/up but effective inside/external co-creating.

Building on such new ICT networking and cooperation we see societies where the “Trias Internetica” division of tasks appears: Civilians, Companies and State authorities; understanding and supporting eachother. If this Trias functions well we will move in the direction of an ecology I call a Synthecracy. Value is then no longer extracted, at the expense of people and Nature; but created: by synthesis and synergy. With special new functions for STEM professionals (Science& Biology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematicians), the now unhappy nerds & techies & pirates & hackers I mentioned above. Their emphasis is on innovation, problem solving and critical thinking without permissions. A growth industry.

For all of these transitions we can learn a lot from Nature and how we are part of it. Indonesians understand this better than we in the “West” (Europe and USA). And flocks of birds, schools of fish and ants in their hills already know how to cooperate and with their collective intelligence produce emergent behaviour. We can also learn from:

  • How jungles and forests are connected subsoil with roots and fungi wires for food and information.
  • How the human brain and nervous system links grows and adapts with neuroplasticity, also at older ages!

Humans are part of Nature and therefore we should be aware how the flow of energy and information though the networks and ecologies work, with or without support of computer chips and routers. This is about the Forces of Life we are discovering.


Here you can download the Sheets I will present on Wednessday October 23: see the PDF

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Op donderdagmiddag 6 juli 2023 gaf ik een Inspiratielezing in Den Haag

Here are the sheets (in the Dutch language) of my lecture delivered for the NL Royal Institite of Engineers ( and the NL Open University.



Two days later our NL Government resigned. Coincidence ???

I recommend the Netherlands political parties take a good look at my forecasts in this lecture.

Plaats: Gebouw Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs Princessegracht 23 Den Haag. In welke context gaf ik die lezing:

Samenvatting van mijn prikkelende verhaal:


Waar komen de Volgende Technisch/Economische/Maatschappelijke Doorbraken”

6 Juli. 14:30 – 15:00 door ir. Jaap van Till, visiting professor

Ingenieurs brengen LEVEN in de brouwerij. Van: saaie betonstorters en fietsenmakers hebben ze zich ontwikkeld tot: ontdekkers van quantum tunneleffectenen ‘verbinders’ in teams met diverse skills.

Van: het ontdekken van (mechanische) werking door uit-elkaar halen en vervolgens leiding geven aan efficiente waarde-extractie, ten koste van mensen en natuur;

naar: veroorzaken van synergie en waarde-creatie door het samenvoegen (synthese) van mensen in teams en Natuur (Synthecracy).

Als voorbeelden worden gegeven de recente successen in de praktijk van: WiFi, Bluetooth, LOFAR, de ASML waardeketen, Buurtzorg, SURFnet, AMS-IX, NDIX, het bestuursmodel van de Ukraine military operations, Gridsz, GPUs, Data Centra in NL, 100 Gbps Fiber Optic infrastructuur, COCON, Eduroam, etc.

Allemaal wereldberoemd behalve in Nederland.

De karakteristieken die zij gemeen hebben zijn:

Innovators (teams) in Civil Society / Commons gedreven pioniers, vrijwilligers, vaak eigen initiatief.

Wereldwijd aktief, geen projecten maar processen van verbetering & WERKING en razendsnel van elkaar leren, klanten inhoudelijk erbij betrokken, mobiliseren en organiseren van de vraagkant (corporate networks), bij innovaties en initiatieven wordt consequent geen toestemming gevraagd, veletransities zoals van elektronisch (electronen) naar optisch (fotonen), risicos durven nemen, ontketend voor initiatiefnemers, hierarchiën vervangen doordecentrale autoriteit met P2P cooperatie en netwerk- collectieve intelligentie en visie, omgaan met -niet reduceerbare- complexiteit, bij aanstellingen competentie voorrang geven boven loyaliteit en gehoorzaamheid. Aanzet tot Regeneratie van paden in hersenen, lichamen, maatschappij en Natuur.

Geinspireerd door de Natuur en haar alom tegenwoordige levenskracht !!!


jaap van till , TheConnectivist

PS. op 8 augustus 2023 heb ik eindelijk de videorecording van deze lezing kunnen toevoegen. Zie hierboven. Binnenkort volgt het vervolg op deze lezing waarin in mijn visie geef hoe we deze nieuwe kijk op waardegeneratie en welvaart samen kunnen aanpakken.

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Urgent: donate for drinking water in Ukraine

This is a message on LinkedIn from:

Stichting De Leeuw Kyiv

Stichting De Leeuw Kyiv

English below

Deze video hebben A Dutch Farmer in Ukraine en Guido van Engelen kort na de ramp opgenomen. Kees legt uit hoe groot het stuwmeer was en dat de oppervlakte van het overstroomde gebied enorm is. Tienduizenden mensen zijn uit hun huizen verdreven. Er is groot gebrek aan voedsel, kleding, grote gereedschappen, generatoren maar het meest aan drinkwater. Daarom distribueert De Leeuw Kyiv in samenwerking met Nazava Water Filters grote aantallen waterfilters in het rampgebied. Hiervoor hebben wij jouw hulp hard nodig!
Steun ons en doneer alsjeblieft! Zodat wij de Oekraïense bevolking in het rampgebied maximaal en structureel kunnen helpen.

Betaallink via #iDEAL (NL bankrekeningen, geen commisssie):
Of met creditcard via Go Fund Me:

Donaties kunnen naar  of o.v.m. water filters

(Videomontage door Nieuwe Oogst)

A Dutch Farmer in Ukraine and Guido van Engelen recorded this video shortly after the disaster. Kees explains how big the reservoir was and that the surface area of the flooded area is huge. Tens of thousands of people have been driven from their homes. There is a lack of food, clothing, large tools, generators, but most of all drinking water. That is why De Leeuw Kyiv is distributing large numbers of water filters in the disaster area in collaboration with Nazava Water Filters. We desperately need your help for this!
Please support us and donate! So that we can provide maximum and structural help to the Ukrainian population in the disaster area.
Donate with credit card via GoFundMe

(Video editing by Nieuwe Oogst)

Video: can be seen on


I recommend you donate to that project to help send tens of thousands of WATERFILTERS quickly to those in Ukraine in need since the flood. They have plenty of water but it is not fit for consumption: humans and cattle need “tapwater quality” drinking water at least every two days. Bad water can result in Cholera and lots of other diseases spreading. So it is URGENT !

Lazava is a respected provider of waterfilters in Indonesia and Kenia, where the filters save the lives of hundreds of thousands of children.

jaap van till, TheConnectivist

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Poem for Zelensky

@ZelenskyyUa here is a poem for you: May 10, 2023.


“Your forrests between grainfields,

Light green with Life,

Powerful tanks grow there, waiting for your command, little Frodo,

Chase the cruel orcs back to caves in Mordor,

We will cooperate, with worldwide help, to rebuild”

Gandalf the Green


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The Case for the Total Liberation of Ukraine – The Atlantic

The future of the democratic world will be determined by whether the Ukrainian military can break a stalemate with Russia and drive the country backwards—perhaps even out of Crimea for good.
— Lees op

Brilliant analysis by journalist Anne Applebaum and Jeffrey Goldberg, published online , May 1, 2023.

I recommend you read it, unfortunately it is behind a paywall for articles in “The Atlantic”.

My impression is that this paper contains views that will turn out to be HISTORIC.

jaap van till, TheConnectivist

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My Lecture for the NL Royal Institute of Engineers (KIvI)

UPDATE, March 1 2023: A new video recording of this lecture has been made (in the Dutch language), which is visible ONLINE at: This is a better quality videorecording with better sound registration than the original recording in Delft.

For travel and lodging+ costs you can invite me to present this powerlecture at you site and organization.

Here are the sheets which I presented (in Dutch):

  1. On Saturday January 28 I did present in the Dutch language my views on the recent history of social-economic changes driven by “new technologies5”. The long waves of large scale and deep changes as defined by Schumpeter and further refined and updated by prof. Carlota Perez. I delve deeper into these phases and describe our present situation and the phases that are IMHO coming sooner or later. The audience did tell me that they where very enthousiastic about it and that it was understandable for laymen en -women too.

2. Here is the official announcement of the lecture (in Dutch):

3. Summary (in Dutch)


Samenvatting van de voordracht

In de wereld vindt al tientallen jaren een diepgaande transitie plaats. Wat we daarvan zien zijn omwentelingen en een aantal voor velen plotselinge crises, omdat oude recepten/policies niet meer werken. Voorbeeld: hierarchiën werken niet meer. Die TRANSITIE is van [value extraction] naar [value creation] & van [uit-elkaar halen om te zien hoe iets werkt/ gerepareerd kan worden] naar [synthese/ bij elkaar voegen en dan zien wat het emergent gedrag wordt van de combinatie => Synthecratie] & van [mechanisch: zero-sum onderhandelingen bij conflicten tussen partijen] naar [nonzero sum synergie effecten zoals in de biologie]. In deze voordracht worden deze verschijningsvormen van de transitie getoond als onderstroom van genoemde crises en revoluties die slechts symptomen zijn.

Jonge mensen snapppen dat vrij snel, open als ze zijn en nieuwsgierig naar welke toekomstmogelijkheden zich voor hen openen. Om te kiezen waarin ze zich kunnen bekwamen en op welke manier. Ouderen hebben wat meer moeite met wat zich voor hen als chaos van onzekerheid en veranderingen vertoont en wat hen doet terugverlangen naar glorietijden.

Binnen de omwentelingen kunnen we een vaste volgorde van ontwikkelingen in de tijd zien met discontinuiteiten. En wel met fasen I, II, III, IV en met een General Purpose Technology (GPT) met bijbehorende infrastructuur als kern. Die fasen zijn: Installatie I: Start en veldtesten, Installatie II: Hectische enterpreneurs die snel kunnen opschalen en oligarchen die fortuinen maken met monopolies, CRASH/crises, Uitrol III: Combinaties met Synergie, Uitrol IV: Volwassenheid van die gouden tijd.

De respectieve omwentelingen zijn, ieder met hun eigen ecologie van maatschappelijke, sociale technische en politieke verwevenheden. De GPT’s en infrastructuren ervan zijn basisvoorwaarde en aandrijvers voor innovaties in golven van welvaart & waardecreatie in maatschappij, bedrijfsleven en wetenschap”

1600-1700 De Goude Eeuw van de Zeven Provinciën, waarin zo ongeveer alles meezat. VOC: graanschepen.

1771 De Industriele Revolutie. Transport via kanalen.

1829 Stoommachines en Spoorwegen.

1875 Staal, elektrificatie en zware engineering constructies.

1908 Automobielen, olie en massaproductie.

1945 Elektro-mechanisch en Chemisch

1971 ICT: Informatie & Communicatie Technologie. Digitale telecommunicatie,

         Het Internet. Digitalisering, Chips (ICs). Netwerk connectiviteit. Optic Fiber kabels. IXP’s. Cloud computing. We bevinden ons nu halverwege deze leercurve in de crash van 2008.  In deze voordracht wordt ingegaan hoe we uit deze crash kunnen komen en een voorspoedige tijd tegemoet kunnen gaan. Met convergentie en vervlechting van: de Digitale Infrastructuur, de Energie transport infrastructuur en de infrastructuur voor Transport van goederen en mensen.

In aantocht zijn de achtereenvolgende leercurves en infrastructuren:

·       2024 Circulaire Economie, Biotech, Nanotech, reparatie en hergebruik

·       Regeneratie van ecologien in de 1Planet Natuur

·       Constructie van netwerken met “collective intelligence & decentrale authoriteit”

·       Bouw van de Global Brain

·       Gaia komt tot leven, wordt bewust en begint verbindingen met andere planeten te maken

Voor succesvolle welvaart en welzijn is begrip van de volgende “functies en processen” nodig:

Leercurves (exponentiele groei, logistic curve). Herkennen en kunnen omgaan met complexiteit, ontstaan omdat alles met elkaar verbonden raakt. Orthogonaliseren, Super Resolutie, kantelen modellen, de vier netwerkeffecten. Hersengroei, Synergie als Life Force. Voorbeelden: De lerende waardeketen van ASML. De digitale command&control verbindingen van het Delta systeem van Ukraine.The Internet of Energy (IOEN), A.I. ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), Quantum Biologie (o.a. Photosynthesis) Met behulp van deze voordracht kunt u deze ontwikkelingen mogelijk wat beter plaatsen.


4. Summary (in English)

Summary of the presentation

The world has been undergoing a profound transition for decades. What we see of this are revolutions and a number of sudden crises for many, because old recipes/policies no longer work. Example: hierarchies no longer work. That TRANSITION is from [value extraction] to [value creation] & from [take it apart to see how something works/can be repaired] to [synthesis/put together and then see what the emergent behavior of the combination becomes = > Synthecracy] & from [mechanical: zero-sum negotiations in conflicts between parties] to [nonzero sum synergy effects as in biology]. In this lecture, these manifestations of the transition are shown as undercurrents of the aforementioned crises and revolutions that are only symptoms.

Young people understand that quite quickly, open as they are and curious about which future opportunities open up for them. To choose what they can become proficient in and in what way. Older people have more difficulty with what appears to them as chaos of uncertainty and changes and what makes them long back for their own glory days.

Within the revolutions we can see a fixed sequence of developments over time with discontinuities. And with phases I, II, III, IV and with a General Purpose Technology (GPT) with associated infrastructure as the core. Those phases are: Rig I: Launch and field testing, Rig II: Hectic enterpreneurs who can scale up quickly and oligarchs who make fortunes with monopolies, CRASH/crisis, Rollout III: Combinations with Synergy, Rollout IV: Maturity of that golden age.

The respective upheavals are, each with their own ecology of societal, social technical and political interdependencies. The GPTs and their infrastructures are basic prerequisites and drivers for innovations in waves of wealth & value creation in society, business and science.
1600-1700 The Golden Age of the NL 'Seven Provinces', in which just about everything went well. First multinational = VOC: bulk grain ships.

1771 The Industrial Revolution. Transport through channels.

1829 Steam Engines and Railways.

1875 Steel, electrification and heavy engineering constructions.

1908 Automobiles, oil and mass production.

1945 Electro-Mechanical and Chemical

1971 ICT: Information & Communication Technology. digital telecommunication,

         The Internet. Digitization, Chips (ICs). Network connectivity. Optical Fiber cables. IXPs. cloud computing. We are now half way through this learning curve in the crash of 2008. This talk will discuss how we can emerge from this crash and move forward into a prosperous era. With convergence and interweaving of: the Digital Infrastructure, the Energy transport infrastructure and the infrastructure for Transport of goods and people.

These successive learning curves and infrastructures are approaching:

· 2024 Circular Economy, Biotech, Nanotech, repair and reuse

· Regeneration of ecologies in the 1Planet Nature

· Construction of networks with “collective intelligence & decentralized authority”

· Construction of the Global Brain

· Gaia comes to life, becomes conscious and begins to make connections with other planets

Successful prosperity and well-being requires an understanding of the following “functions and processes”:

Learning curves (exponential growth, logistic curve). Recognizing and being able to deal with complexity, arises because everything becomes connected. Orthogonalize, Super Resolution, tilt models, the four network effects. Brain Growth, Synergy as Life Force. Examples: ASML's learning value chain. The digital command&control connections of the Delta system of Ukraine. The Internet of Energy (IOEN), A.I. e.g. ChatGPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer), Quantum Biology (e.g. Photosynthesis) With the help of this lecture you may be able to better understand these developments. 

5. An extract from this lecture is my vision on the Transition we are in. Which is bigger and deeper than the “Zeitwende” mentioned by the Grüne Partei members of the German government and/or the “Reset” as presented by the WEF in Davos. And it shows what the New Mindset is about.

6. You can invite me to present this lecture/ workshop at your organisation, for travel and lodging expenses +. If i can fit it into my agenda, that is.

7. After the lecture I did post the presented sheets on this blogpage, see top, where you can download them .

jaap van till, TheConnectivist

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